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Needs and Benefits to Nepal

      One very important reason peaches should be a staple crop in Nepal is the nutritional benefits to young children, pregnant women and developing foetuses. Nepal is one country where the life expectancy of women is lower than that of men and the highest risk group for poor health is children under the age of five.  Reproductive issues both maternal and perinatal dominate the overall pattern of morbidity in Nepal (Deslich, n.d.).  During pregnancy the vitamins and other nutrients the peach possess is very valuable.  A different type of benefit is the possible addition of an alternative crop. 


     The way the orchard would be set up with the trees in rows, there is the opportunity to grow a cover crop while the trees grow.  Grasses are the most common cover crop used in orchards and by growing the grasses it helps the tree with floor management, soil structure, reducing erosion, increase nitrogen levels and encouraging water infiltration (Lui et al., 2011).  It also benefits the farmer because the grasses can then be used for livestock feed or other usages. 

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